Competition: Philipp Wißbrok wins several times.
Justin Jantzen presents the most beautiful sideboard
Bad Salzuflen-Schötmar(ne).
The district of Lippe has 23 new carpenters. All apprentices who registered for the exams passed and have the journeyman’s certificate in their hands. The nine journeymen’s pieces with the best grades were selected and allowed to take part in the “Die gute Form 2018” competition. All the workpieces will be on display at the Volksbank in Schötmar until 20 July.
According to the examination regulations, each examinee has 100 working hours to produce a very special piece. The assessments for these pieces of furniture constituted the grade for the practical part of the examinations. A jury of six selected the most beautiful piece according to their own feelings and with regard to design, creation and inventiveness. The best-placed journeyman’s piece is allowed to take part in the national competition “Die gute Form”. This year’s winner is Justin Jantzen from Horn-Bad Meinberg. He built a sideboard from oak, followed by Louis Winter from Extertal with a sideboard from oak. Third place went to Nico Henze from Kalletal, also with a sideboard made of oak.
Guido Kramp, head master of the Lippe carpenters’ guild, presented the certificates and journeymen’s letters in addition to the prizes for the most beautiful journeymen’s pieces. “One third of the apprenticeship places are usually not filled, but for the coming apprenticeship year we can look forward to 77 new apprentices in the district of Lippe,” he said.
In addition to the journeyman’s certificate, the apprentices who have now completed their training received their school reports and some of them a certificate as CNC specialists. Philipp Wißbrok, among others, received such a certificate. He achieved the best certificate of all, passed the best final examination and won the special prize for doors. Of the 100 working hours granted, he needed only 90 to produce a front door in the Nordic style, made from an Indonesian meranti wood. He has already taken care of a use for it after the exhibition: “The door will be installed in my grandmother’s house.